Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Vincent/Binh's message & photos

同學 好,

謝謝您們寄來的信, 卡, 能和您們玩鬧幾天真是開心難忘, 該謝謝的是我們, 明年再見 哈哈.............

BangHang classmates,endless love的友誼


看著冲印相片,每位來遊都高高興興,最高興的卻是我倆,可不是嗎?每一張照片,我看了都都合不上口,.......哈哈.感謝您們帶來的友誼endless love的友誼




  1. May 16, 2013
    To chi Binh Diep, anh Vincent, and Family;
    My wife and I would like to sincerely thank you for your generosity during our Florida trip.
    Our Vacation was an absolute dream because of your hospitality and we
    will never forget our experiences.

    Thank you.

    Minh Anh Thi
    Chau Ngoc Hong Thi

  2. Dear Chi Binh, dear Anh Vincent,

    We would like to take this opportunity again to say “Thank you” for your hospitality and generosity.
    We thank Chi Binh to have spent your valuable time to pick us up at the airport.

    We thank Anh Vincent for showing us Beltmore Hotel, Rusty Pelican Restaurant at Miami Beach, Crandon Park Beach, and John U. Lloyd Beach State Park. We had a fantastic time.

    We deeply appreciate being able to stay at your two beautiful houses. Thank you very much for the welcome party, bell dancing show, karaoke evening, etc.

    Particularly, we thank Tien Lowe for his help so we did not have difficulties visiting Florida Key and Everglades National Park.

    There are too many things that we can’t count in detail.

    Please know that you are always welcome in Los Angeles; we would be glad to accommodate you.
    雪兒 & 李強

  3. Dear chi Binh & anh Vincent

    您們由郵政寄來特大8x10相片己收到, 太開心了, 非常謝谢您們的心意, 給我們这份獨特的禮物,
    每一张照片裡的每一位都笑得那麽開心, 大家臉上的笑容都是由心而發, 每一角色都是那麼真我, 沒
    有劇本和導演指導, 所有的Photos & Videos 都是真實记錄, 而是獨一無二, 我們的歡樂時刻真是
    畢生難忘, chi Binh & anh Vincent 給我們鹏恆班造這個機會, 讓我們共聚一堂, 有個美好的
    Vacation. 謝谢您們了!!!

